Topnews, Presse, Aussenpolitik
01. Dezember 2012
Ubuntu magazine issue 2
Special features in Issue 2 include:
- South Africa is getting many things right
- A vision for South Africa’s foreign policy – Now and beyond
- Israel-Palestine conflict – A South African priority
- President Jacob Zuma on South Africa’s National... |+| zum Artikel
Südafrika, Aussenpolitik, Topnews, Presse
21. Oktober 2012
South Africa’s response to Economist article published on 20 October
South Africa is getting many things right
21 October 2012
The assertions in the article published by the UK magazine the Economist on 20 October (Sad South Africa - Cry the Beloved Country) cannot go unchallenged as they are so...
|+| zum ArtikelTopnews, Presse, Aussenpolitik
01. August 2012
Ubuntu magazine issue 1
Special features in Issue 1 include:
- A victory for South African diplomacy, a victory for southern Africa and Africa!
- COP17/CMP7 – the Durban Outcome
- South Africa’s foreign policy responds to domestic priorities
- Cultural diplomacy and sports as... |+| zum Artikel
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