Topnews, Statements
18. November 2019
Madam Chair,
My delegation associates itself with the statements delivered on behalf of the African Group and the G77 and China respectively. I would like to make the following remarks in my national capacity. Firstly, to reiterate our congratulations to the new DG and hope that the organisation will be steered forward with integrity and professionalism, without fear or favour. We also wish the out-going Acting DG well.
Madam Chair,
This year constitutes the second implementation year of the 2018-2019 biennium. It has also been another important year for the IAEA’s Technical Cooperation activities. Moreover, 2019 has led to the successful finalisation of the following biennium’s programme and we thank the Secretariat and Programme Management Officers for their efforts.
In the last year, the Agency has held, among others, two important events, namely the Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology in November 2018 and the Conference on Climate Change and the role of Nuclear Power in October 2019. These Conferences brought together many Member States and participants, organizations and entities. These Conferences reaffirmed the significance of nuclear science and technologies in advancing socio-economic development through various nuclear applications, as facilitated through the TC Programme. It is in this regard that my delegation appreciates the central role played by the Agency in delivering Technical Cooperation to Member States.
Madam Chair,
In welcoming the Agency’s proposed TC programme, South Africa wishes to highlight that for the Agency to effectively carry out its statutory mandate, the resources for the TC programme should be Sufficient, Assured and Predictable. In the same breath, we also encourage Member States to pay their contributions to the Technical Cooperation Fund in full and on time.
Moreover, in this regard it would be remiss of my delegation not to acknowledge the finalisation of the long outstanding issue of the Due Account Mechanism. South Africa believes that the implementation of the mechanism should be based on the principles of fairness, neutrality and universality and that the quality of the TC Programme and its activities - preserved.
While my delegation acknowledges that the Agency is operating under increased budgetary pressure, we are pleased that more Country Programme Frameworks are being signed and implemented. It is in our view that CPFs remain the main strategic planning tool for the development of national TC programmes for Member States. We take this opportunity to congratulate the Secretariat on their efforts to ensure that programmes, suited to the needs of Member States and regions are adequately designed and successfully implemented. Additionally, we also welcome the report on the Implementation of the Strategic Guidelines on Partnerships and Resource Mobilization, which informs us of the avenues explored in the sourcing of traditional and non-traditional partnerships.
As an active Member of the Agency, South Africa continues to benefit from the Agency’s TC programme. Currently, South Africa has a number of active projects at different stages of implementation and we also participate in various regional projects. For the 2020-2021 cycle, we will embark on 4 new projects which will focus on the priority areas in line with our National Development Plan in the areas of nutrition for improved health; insect pest control; capacity building; and governmental and regulatory infrastructure for radiation safety.
Madam Chair,
Following the finalisation and validation of our CPF, South Africa reiterates its commitment to working with the Agency and other Member States, both within our region and in others.
At a regional level, my delegation is pleased to note that all African regional projects for the next biennium will be facilitated through AFRA, an important framework for my continent. South Africa welcomes that the TC programme for Africa will largely focus on “Food and Agriculture” and “Health and Nutrition”, as well as safety and security in line with Africa’s Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Madam Chair,
In conclusion, South Africa assures the Secretariat of our continued support during the implementation of the TC Programme and we support the recommended actions on the Agency’s proposed TC Programme for 2020-2021.
I Thank You.