Topnews, Internationale Beziehungen, Südafrika

07. Februar 2014


African heads of state gathered for the AU Summit continued to debate the implementation of the African Immediate Crisis Response Capacity (AICRC), with the majority of countries said to be in favour of the initiative.

South Africa will continue to support a temporary standby force capable of responding quickly to crisis situations in Africa, State Security Minister Siyabonga Cwele said on the sidelines of the African Union (AU) Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

According to the AU, the AICRC should be an efficient, robust and credible force that can be deployed rapidly, conducting operations of limited duration and aims to create conditions for the deployment of larger AU and/or United Nations peace operations. It is seen as an interim tool as the African Standby Force is meant to be operational by 2015.

The AICRC would comprise a reservoir of 5 000 troops made up of operational modules in the form of 1 500-strong battle groups. Command would rest with the AU Peace and Security Council, which would asses all requests for intervention by member states.

On a voluntary basis, member states of the AU would contribute troops and finance for the AICRC to enable it to act independently.

In May last year, South Africa, Ethiopia and Uganda were the first to support the initiative and pledged to provide troops should the need arise. Source:

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