Topnews, Südafrika, Internationale Beziehungen
15. Juli 2014
14 JULY 2014
President Jacob Zuma wishes to convey condolences on the sad passing of one of South Africa's greatest doyens of art and literature, Ms Nadime Gordimer who passed away today, 14 July 2014.
Author Nadine Gordimer won...
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14. Juli 2014
Mr Yuri Fedotov, Executive Director of the UNODC and Director of the UNOV
Ladies and gentlemen
During this week the people of South Africa and the world will once again unite in celebration...
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14. Juli 2014
The department of home affairs will not change certain points in the new immigration regulations but will deal with problems raised since their implementation, minister Malusi Gigaba said on Monday.
"We are willing to engage with anybody who has...
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10. Juli 2014
South African missions abroad, and government offices at home, opened condolence books for people to pay their respects to Mandela following his passing away in Johannesburg on 5 December.
President Jacob Zuma was recently presented with 4 850 books of...
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03. Juli 2014
The report showed that foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows to South Africa jumped from US$4,5 billion in 2012 to a record-high $8,1 billion in 2013, with investments in infrastructure being the main attraction.
South Africa was Africa's best FDI...
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26. Juni 2014
The National Development Plan (NDP), also known as Vision 2030, is the country's 30-year framework for growing the economy while tackling unemployment, poverty and inequality.
The South African Government is set to launch an initiative – inspired by the...
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19. Juni 2014
This year’s Youth Day, which commemorated the 1976 Soweto Uprisings, was held under the theme: “Youth Moving South Africa Forward”.
South Africa's youth must be placed at the centre of economic transformation, which is the focus of the new term of...
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