Longer Stay
A temporary residence permit (longer than three months) may only be issued to a foreigner, who is not, or does not, become a prohibited person or an undesirable person. If issued outside the Republic of South Africa, a temporary residence permit is deemed to be of force and effect only after admission into the Republic.
Please note that all long term visa/permit applications will be processed in consultation with the Department of Home Affairs in Pretoria. The processing time could take approximately 4 - 8 weeks.
For more information on the requirements please contact vienna.consular(at)dirco.gov.za
For bank transfers use the following bank connection:
IBAN: AT511200000272160303
Contact Details
South African Embassy Vienna
Sandgasse 33, 1190 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 320 6493 - 19/20
Fax: +43 1 320 0814
Business Hours Consular Section:
Monday to Friday: 08h30 - 12h00
Telephone Enquiries:
Monday to Friday: 08h00 - 16h30
E-mail address: vienna.consular(at)dirco.gov.za