South Africa
22. October 2018
President Cyril Ramaphosa has declared a Special Official Funeral Category 1, for the late Mama Agnes Msimang who passed away at a Johannesburg hospital, last Thursday, 18 October 2018 at age 89.
Mama Msimang was a former diplomat, committed gender activist and a heroine of the South African struggle who together with countless other women mobilized their communities across South Africa against the apartheid system. In 2014 she received the National Order of Luthuli in Silver in 2014 for her contribution to the fight against the unjust laws of apartheid, and for her selfless service to the cause of South Africa's liberation. She was also the recipient of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation’s (DIRCO) highest accolade, the OR Tambo Lifetime Achievement Ubuntu Award.
A Special Official Funeral Category 1 entails elements of military ceremonial honours and is declared, in line with the Presidency’s State, Official and Provincial Official Funeral Policy, for persons of extraordinary credentials specifically designated by the President of the Republic of South Africa.
In line with this declaration, the National Flag shall, with immediate effect, will fly at half-mast at all flag stations countrywide and at South African diplomatic missions abroad.
Daily prayers are held at the family home until Thursday, 25 October 2018, as follows:
Time: 18h00- 19h00
Venue: 16 Olden Ways, Kelvin
A memorial service will be held at the Tshwane City Hall on Wednesday, 24 October 2018. Further details will be communicated by the organisers.
Details of the funeral are as follows:
Date: Friday, 26 October 2018
Venue: Our Lady of Cedars Catholic Church, Woodmead.
Enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson – 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa Pretoria
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